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All material is written by local journalist Annette Taylor – unless specified – as part of my voluntary contribution to local news.
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122 Woodlands Rd
Hamilton 3281
What it’s all about:
N8N is designed to connect folk in the community north-east of Hamilton including Gordonton, Puketaha, Horsham Downs, Orini and Tauhei. The map might help – but it is a guide only – sometimes we stray outside of the green!
There are about 8000 people in our area, that’s a lot of things happening. Events, dances, meetings, fundraisers, and N8N has been covering them since 2011.
The website was started by journalists Annette Taylor and daughter Iris Riddell. Since Iris left to live in Japan, these days N8N is run by a staff of two – Annette and her right-hand cat Marley. With much technical support and cups of tea from husband David Riddell.

Annette has almost 30 years’ experience in journalism, and has written way too many stories, profiles, columns and feature articles for the Waikato TImes, NZ Herald, NEXT magazine, the Hamilton Press and national rural newspapers including Rural News, Straight Furrow, National Farming News and many others.
She has lived in Gordonton for three decades and a small amount of that time was involved with the milking of cows.
These days she enjoys getting nowhere in the garden, and cooking. Couch time with the cat and a book is also good.