Farewell from n8n
WELL, dang. After almost 12 years the time has come to pull the plug on Number 8 Network.
This community site began in June 2011 when my daughter Iris, studying journalism, said she didn’t know what was happening in and around Gordonton. Or knew that many people, for that matter.
I had been working as a journalist for many years, and it seemed obvious to start a community website – aided, abetted and inspired by our friend Philippa Stevenson, and upon whose head many blessings should rain for all her help.
Because I did not take to WordPress, the software on which n8n is built, like a duck to water. There were many frustrations and a few challenges along the way and sadly that has not improved.
WordPress needs frequent tinkering under the bonnet, and it has become increasingly complex. Since covid there are more hackers wanting to wreak havoc. And requiring professional help to fix. Not enjoyable at all, especially on the meagre budget of this site.
Otherwise, it’s been a blast, and an honour. So, first, many thanks to those who wrote columns and articles, and sent in stories or photographs. The Gordonton District Committee made an appreciated contribution to the upkeep of the site.
And more thanks to everyone who made it fun, and to you for signing up to the regular news updates. It’s been wonderful to meet, chat with and share news of many of the incredible characters who live here.
For me this is a farewell to journalism, an industry which has changed drastically from when I began at the Hamilton Press, banging away on an old typewriter.
I think Iris and I were successful in our little experiment, I think n8n helped connect people and inform and entertain. I certainly made many new friends as a result.
See you around, for sure.
Annette (and one last thanks to Iris – hey, creating a community website was a great idea!)
PS Oh. All those stories on n8n are not vanishing. The National Library of NZ has made a copy of the site, so they will still exist in cyberspace. If there is a story you want to chase up, give me a yell because I should be able to find it. (email nettstaylorATgmail.com)
PPS one final thanks – to David Riddell, who even though he hates writing headlines, would always, if prodded, produce the perfect one. Seriously, thanks family for all the help and love.
Finally finally, some pics for y’all.

And at this point, it is time to raise the flag. Cheers to all the local heroes who have made n8n sparkle. Thank you.
Annette and Iris. Thank you so much for all your efforts and devotion to our community. I know it has been very much a labour of love and many, many hours I’m sure it has been. I have always looked forward to receiving your “town crier” stories and pictures of our diverse and interesting inhabitants. Your newsletter has been a great reminder that we are a community and its certainly encouraged us to participate and support the activities you have promoted. I hope you enjoy the “time” that retirement from this phase of your life will allow you to direct elsewhere. Nga mihi Chris and Bernie Gardiner
Thank you Annette and Iris too for all the work you put into compiling N8N over all those years, well done and will you come up with another idea?! Go well with you future plans, Judy
You have been a boon, an icon and it is sad to see an end of an era. Thank you for all the help you have given the community. I wish you the best for your future ventures.
Thanks so much for putting out n8n for nearly 12 years! It’s been really good to read about the people and happenings in this community. I’ll miss it.
Ohmyohmyohmy…. we will miss this Website a lot…..coming to us regulary so far away….Thank you soooo much for 11 years (unbelievable!) news from our little beloved Gordonton area…. Farewell from Germany, you all did a wonderful Job and now relax and enjoy, you deserve it!! Mecki and Uli from Germany
Thanks so much Annette for your tenacity at “hanging in there” when the going has been tough!
I, for one, have really appreciated the Community connection that this site has afforded over the years! 😊👍
Lesley Dawson
(Horsham Downs)
Thank you all so very much for your comments – truly appreciated on this sunny morning. I look forward to seeing all of you around and staying in touch! All the past stories written about this wonderful community and its amazing people will still exist – n8n has been archived by the National Library of NZ.
Nothing is as important as you, our readers, that is why Iris and I started this all those years ago. Once again, many thanks. xxx
Sorry to see this wonderful website go. Good to know this great resource will not be lost. Enjoy the days ahead knowing you have made a difference.