Gordonton District Committee round-up

Arthur Riddell
Arthur Riddell speaks at Gordonton School’s 125th anniversary in 2016. PHOTO: Annette Taylor

Number 8 Network provides a summary of September’s Gordonton District Committee meeting.

Arthur Riddell was remembered with a minute’s silence at the last GDC meeting.

Arthur passed away in July, aged 89 and was the longest serving member of the Gordonton Hall Committee, which under his guidance became the GDC.

He was also involved with Woodlands, and was Clerk of Works for many years.

From Chairperson Richard Riddell

The last couple of months have proved that life can change quickly with very little warning. This has had an impact on our ability to progress with plans and projects for the Gordonton District Committee.

Covid-19 and the resulting lockdown and rules has impacted significantly on hall bookings and income. “The 50 person limit has meant that most functions can’t proceed at the moment.”

Work is needed on the rental house and the school house, built in 1914, is in need of re-roofing.

Waikato District Council

Councillor Chris Woolerton spoke about the representation review and changes to the ward boundaries. Other issues before council are Three Waters, the stock crossing by-law, and pre-consultation on the solid waste review. Chris encouraged people to make submissions on these matters. Visit the WDC website for dates, times, oral submissions etc.

WelcomeEastwest College of Intercultural Studies

The 25th anniversary and Open day in August were a great success, the college says. “Many from the community and graduates from around the country came, as well as previous staff. We hope to run an open day on an annual basis.”

Along with other education providers, the college is awaiting news on the opening of borders to see what that will mean for next year. “There seems some possibility of borders opening before the end of 2022 which is slightly better than it was looking. The college has typically had a large contingent of international students so the border closures will have a significant impact.”

Gordonton Pony Club

“Our season is scheduled to start with our first rally on Thursday 14 Oct. We are hosting a Hamilton Pony Club event on Sunday 28 November. We have had interest from four families who are keen to join the club.”

Photo of Hukanui MaraeHukanui Marae Trust

The Marae has been busy:

Together with Tauhei Marae, signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with Fulton Hogan regarding Pukemokemoke Maunga, including Tauhei quarry, which has approximately 27 years to run

Turning sod for the community gardens at Enderley Community Centre

Blessing of pou and names of whare at previously named Te Kura Kaupapa Maaori o Te Ara Rima, now renamed Te Wharekura o Kirikiriroa

Involved in planting of 2400 trees, with the Kukutaaruhe Education Trust, part of the gully system behind Fairfield College

Kapa Haka performance at the 15th Koroneihana at Turangawaewae Marae

The Wai 2067 Treaty Claims is continuing regarding claims outside the Rohe boundaries

Powhiri for the new principal at Woodstock Primary School and new teacher at Rototuna Junior High School, opening of four new classroom at Hukanui Primary School.

Oaks Christian Centre

Gordonton Presbyterian Church from 1918
Gordonton Presbyterian Church in 1918

Progress has been made towards replacing the old church building.

An application has been made for grant funding, and application to Waikato District Council for building consent is in progress.





Hukanui Golf Club

In June we employed Callum Pherson, as new course superintendent. Callum lives with his wife and two children in the house on the course. Members are very pleased at how the course is looking and playing on.

We are currently gathering quotes for drilling a new bore. This project is going to be very expensive but is necessary to future proof the club. We will be reliant on grants for this project to proceed.

Covid-19 and the various levels have been a challenge. Level 4 meant everything was closed. Level 3 meant the course was open only to members who booked in before play and played in their own family bubble.

Woodlands Estate

Angela and Barry Crawshay are the new owners of the cafe, and will be rebranding and aiming to be more community focused.

The Pioneer Fun Day was cancelled due to Covid-19.

Strategic Planning Meeting

Chris Woolerton is giving a zoom meeting on council strategy. Chris to notify the GDC as to when this is.

Heritage Group

John Bridgman expressed thanks for $1000 from GDC for historic signs for Gordonton. Work is progressing well on the project and John will soon circulate a draft of the text. The committee agreed that angled signs would be good in the area between the hall and the public toilets.

AGM: Thursday 21 October, Gordonton Hall, 7pm.

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Number 8 Network - a community website for the rural areas northeast of Hamilton, NZ, is run by Gordonton journalist/editor Annette Taylor.

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