Got issues? Who ya gonna call
Rubbish bags dumped on the roadside, a bowled road sign, a threatening dog, a broken path – who are you going to call if these or other issues occur in the neighbourhood? Tamahere Forum shares these tips –
One of the first and easiest actions is to let the Waikato District Council know through its online Request It service – here on a tab on its website homepage
Requests for Service here are handily listed into most often requested categories but if none fit there is an Other Requests section.
Seen rubbish dumped on the roadside? Let your council know.

Recent experience suggests acknowledgements are prompt and requests do get action. For some issues numbers count so rally friends and neighbours also concerned about an issue and encourage them to lodge requests, too.
Longer term issues, for example, new amenities in a park or more or different services in the community, can be brought to the attention of Waikato District Council Hukanui-Waerenga Ward Councillor Chris Woolderton or the Gordonton District Committee (contact details here).
- The next meeting of the GDC is on Thursday 15 April 2021, in the Gordonton Hall.