Free fun at Woodlands’ Pioneer Fundays
Woodlands Estate are holding another Pioneer Fundays – an extravaganza of 19th Century delights and goings-on.
The event, running this school holidays, are real blasts from the past in the present, says Woodlands manager Kirstie Alley.
“Thousands turn up to take part in the event which celebrates the past in the wonderful setting of the Woodlands Estate. There are ponies to ride, local alpacas to admire and vintage machinery on site. We’ll have old-style games to play such as quoits, spillikins and a coconut shy, as well as a gnome hunt in the estate’s extensive gardens.”
Other activities include corn shuckling, butter churning, and a petting zoo, Sam and his farmyard friends. On the last day outdoor race games will be held.
- Pioneer Fundays kicks off on Tuesday April 16 to Thursday 18, from 10am to 2pm at Woodland’s Estate, Whitikahu Rd, Gordonton.
Here are some pictorial highlights from previous events.

The tractor rides are always popular!
Lord & Lady Black, Number 8 Network’s Annette Taylor and David Riddell, will offer a range of Victorian games over the three days. Come say hello!
And we can’t resist putting this one in! Ellie tells Lady Black what she liked most about the day – the pony!