View from the top

Nothing beats climbing to the top of Pukemokemoke on a crisp, winter day.  Unless it’s sitting on a bench while the husband does the last assault on his own.

It was a good thing he took the camera with him, and so was able to share the view.

First, we had to pay our respects to this fine looking chap, who was standing guard near the start of the track:

Wood pigeon
Nothing to see here, move on, move on! (All pics by David Riddell)


The view northwards:

Pukemokemoke summit


With the camera on full zoom, Hamilton didn’t seem so far away:

Hamilton from Pukemokemoke

Neither did Te Awamutu:

Te Awamutu


Te Aroha looked imposing as always:

Te Aroha from Pukemokemoke

At the log hauler site, we spotted this fungus:


A grand walk was had by all, including the one who didn’t make it to the top!

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Number 8 Network - a community website for the rural areas northeast of Hamilton, NZ, is run by Gordonton journalist/editor Annette Taylor.

5 thoughts on “View from the top

  • July 19, 2016 at 10:11 am

    Wonderful photos. What a superb day for a Pukemokemoke outing and photo taking. You have inspired me to make a return visit on a day that hopefully will be as fine.

    • July 19, 2016 at 12:53 pm

      Let us know when and we’ll meet you with a thermos! I might even make it all the way to the very top…

  • July 19, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    What is this, supposed to be an easy walk in a very special Reserve. Think the editor may need to get on a fitness programe. Great photoes Great woody shot. Love that bird

    • July 19, 2016 at 12:54 pm

      (Actually, I go to the top often enough. Someone had to look after the chocolate, after all!)

  • July 21, 2016 at 5:42 am

    More photos of the area would be appreciated if you can. Great to see these ones. From an ex-local now in Scotland. Keep up the good work one and all.


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