Hound found!

GOT HIM!  Annette keeps a grip on Astrix's collar.  He was very happy to be patted but not keen to venture out of his hiding hole.
GOT HIM! Annette keeps a grip on Astrix’s collar. He was very happy to be patted but not keen to venture out of his hiding hole.

Astrix, the beautiful border collie who went missing last week, has been found! Owners Natasha Geenty and Michael Webber were at a party last Saturday on Gordonton Rd, near Boyd Rd, when the collie, always a nervous chap, took fright and ran off.

The pair, from Whatawhata, were frantic, they searched the area and put posters up everywhere.

Number 8 Network had just posted a picture of the missing pup on the N8N Facebook page, and observed how distraught the two must be worrying about their dog.

Natasha and Asterix reunited - joy all around!
Natasha and Asterix reunited – joy all around!

This morning, on the way to Hamilton, N8N’s Annette Taylor and David Riddell noticed a car stopped on the side of the road, just north of Clandon Daffodils. Slowing down, Annette saw Astrix huddled under a hedge.

The doggy finders, who lived in the house nearby, had spotted our canine galloping across Gordonton Rd. Late for an appointment, they took off and Annette hunkered down with Astrix, taking a firm grip of his collar.

He was obviously terrified and exhausted, and refused to come out of his hedgerow, but otherwise didn’t seem too worse for wear – a few bidibids on his coat and some mud. The wonders of technology – Annette logged on to Number 8 Network on her phone, found his owners’ number and rang.

Natasha, who was working in Frankton, answered and, sounding thoroughly delighted, said she was on her way. We gave the young dog some salami off our sandwich (which he wolfed down) and waited. Every time a truck rumbled past Astrix trembled – it must have been a long and lonely week.  But when a white car slowed down he clearly recognised the sound of its engine; his ears perked up and he sat up, looking intently about.

When Natasha appeared, all grins, our little dog was beside himself; tag wagging, tongue lolling and jumping. An utterly happy, wonderful reunion.  She reported back later, saying he was happy as any collie could be, and back to his usual tricks of sneaking food from the cat’s bowl.  She and Michael are very relieved to have him back, and thanked everyone who kept an eye out for their lovely lad.

Bet he was a pampered pooch that night!


The Missing Dog poster - handsome Astrix.
The Missing Dog poster – handsome Astrix.

Here he is at home this afternoon – who’s a beautiful boy?

Oh, the larks I had and adventures - THANK GOODNESS I'm HOME!
Oh, the larks I had and adventures – THANK GOODNESS I’m HOME!
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Number 8 Network - a community website for the rural areas northeast of Hamilton, NZ, is run by Gordonton journalist/editor Annette Taylor.

10 thoughts on “Hound found!

  • September 17, 2015 at 3:59 pm

    I’m Astrix’s ‘nanny’ ;-D We’re all so happy right now, and yes there will be celebrations alright! Annette you’re a superstar xxxxx
    Sue Webber

    • September 17, 2015 at 4:28 pm

      Hey nanny – spoil that beautiful boy I reckon! I was struck at how gentle he was, a lovely nature and a special chap. Delighted it has turned out so well! 🙂

  • September 17, 2015 at 4:39 pm

    Woohoo! What great news. Celebrations and cheers to petal Annette and David!

    • September 17, 2015 at 5:03 pm

      Lucky Asterix – he should get a Lotto ticket, Caz!

  • September 18, 2015 at 8:31 am

    In my excitement yesterday I totally forgot to say thank you also to the couple who initially found him, a big thank you for spotting him. xxx I hope you get to see this xx

  • September 18, 2015 at 10:20 am

    That is such a heart warming story!! Gail

  • September 22, 2015 at 10:04 am

    A very lovely chap; a very lovely story!

  • September 22, 2015 at 10:22 am

    That’s awesome! The power of social media 🙂

  • September 22, 2015 at 1:27 pm

    Lovely story – so good to see some happy endings!

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