Artists gear up for school auction
The Gordonton School Art Auction is underway again. The bi-annual event is a chance for students to showcase their talent, says teacher and art convener Katrina Banks.
“All children complete an item to be auctioned on the night, along with each class doing a combined piece. As art is up to interpretation we try not to limit the work to just paintings – this year entries will include plaster decoupage hearts, pillows, pet beds, etching, word blocks and much more.”
The school is still keen to receive any art works for the fundraiser, these can be dropped off at the school office.
“This year we have some fantastic items on offer, from local artists Jacquie Haselden and Jo Pervin, potter Fiona McLeod and works from The Mandarin Tree.”
On the night the children’s work will be auctioned with a starting bid of $10 per item. The main auction starts at 7pm. She thinks there will be about 300 items on the night on offer in open, silent or public auction.
“Last year we raised more than $7000 for the PTA, it was a great night and items included pottery, painting right through to modern abstract art.”
The event has been held for the last 15 years and some items have gone for as much as $500. “We’d like to thank our returning artists and everyone who helps support our school event.”
Guests will receive a complimentary drink on arrival and a light supper throughout the auction.
The great Gordonton School Art Auction will be held in the school hall on Thursday 2 July, from 5.30 pm.