Artist on the move

Local artist Lynne Sinclair Taylor is packing up her brushes and paint and readying herself for new adventures. She talks to Annette Taylor about art and life.
A professional artist for 20 years, Lynne has lived and kept a studio on Puketaha Rd for 5 ½ years now, but says it’s time to move on.
With husband Alan, she will be moving to Tauranga at Easter to join son Jordan.
“We’ll stay with friends because we’ll be essentially homeless, and then we head off somewhere in New Zealand – we have no idea where – as part of Youth With A Mission – we’re both in fulltime Christian ministry.”
The couple no sooner return to Tauranga than they pack their bags again for their son’s June wedding, which is taking place in Grimsby, a small town near Niagara Falls.
“On the way back we’ll catch a train to New York so things are a little hectic around here. It’s not a normal move – I’m shifting my business, we’re shifting our mission in life and going overseas. Just everything is happening but it’s all good.”
Lynne says she wherever she is she will continue to paint, take workshops and teach. Originally from Christchurch, she says her older brother Wayne was the first to get into painting.
“Our two hobbies were art and sport, we were doing one or the other. “I decided not to go to art school as I wanted to go on my own art journey.”
Her way, pre-computers, was to visit the local library where she ‘devoured’ art books. She started off with oils in her teens, and later, when son Jordan was four year’s old, began doodling with pastels and became hooked.
“Quite early on I began displaying my work at fairs, and entered competitions – and managed to win five first prizes. I also began giving art classes for children and adults. I come across former students from time to time, I’m often a little surprised at how many people know me, and say hi in the supermarket. Hamilton has a nice family feel and it’s been a marvellous place to bring up a family.”
Lynne joined Youth with a Mission, based in Switzerland, and arrived in Hamilton in the mid 70s, where she had a voluntary job helping troubled young women before taking up a role with DIC, a department store. “I did all their fashion drawings and copywriting for the papers. It was great. After that I taught fashion design and art at the polytech and then rejoined YWAM in New Zealand before getting married.”
She believes if someone has the desire, then the talent is there. “If you have the passion, I believe the door is open for you. I love imparting the knowledge I’ve got, to start others in their art journey.”
Her advice is to practice – “if you’re interested in realism, always have a pencil in your hand and a notebook – and train your eye to see correctly. You don’t paint with your hands, you paint with your perception.”
Why do art? “It’s very therapeutic,” Lynne says, surrounded by boxes but looking radiantly happy.

Lynne is holding a final showing of her work from now until 21 March. A selection of paintings will be on sale at half price or less. Phone 854 7402 or 021 121 9864 for more details.
sorry to hear you are leaving us lynn, have a wonderful new adventure, i still think of those pastel classes you took they were such fun, must get back to art, so relaxing !