Take a bow Codie (And Candy, of course)

“It’s important to find a good human.” – Candy
Champion of champions, supreme champion, reserved champion – Codie White – and Candy – have won all these titles recently.
The pair nailed the champion line-up at the recent Agricultural Days, and came within a whisker of winning at the Waikato Royal Show. Twelve-year-old Codie, from Gordonton School, says it was great being at the show, but a bit scary.
“There with so many good calves from around the North Island, but I think Candy stood out really well.”
This is Codie’s eighth year taking part in Calf Club, she started when she was four. Last year, in fact, she won top prize at the Royal Show with Buddie – it was hard to fit all the ribbons on Buddie’s back.
Gordonton School Ag Club president Sally-Ann Riddell says Codie has done extremely well in all the competitions. “She cleaned up at all the shows and really has been outstanding.”
Furthermore, her bovine star performers are on loan from a friendly farmer neighbour so she had to go that little bit extra to be involved.
Codie will be moving on to Sacred Heart College next year, and says she will miss Gordonton School and Calf Club. But she was happy to share some tips for future competitors.
“You’ve got to get to know your calf, and spend lots of time with them. I go out every single day, and create a really good bond.”
She says even if her calf is in a large paddock, if she calls, it will come running. Then it’s a piece of cake to brush them, which they love. And it just goes on from there.
Mother Kim agrees. “Codie can do anything with her calf, she never missed one day of grooming. One night she was found asleep with one of her calves.
“Getting that bond is important, you have to be dedicated. It’s hard work, and needs determination, but it pays off.”
Codie picked Candy the day she was born. “She just stood out from the whole herd. She was really friendly, and I knew she’d be a good calf, not difficult to control. She’s the best leader I’ve ever had.”
She prefers Jerseys to Friesians, for one thing, Jerseys have a sweeter nature and it’s easier to get the white coat nice and clean.
“Brush lots. I brush loads and loads, using rubber gloves for horses. I also get down with soap and scrub their legs until they are absolutely clean.”
A toothbrush is handy on the feet, and for between the toes.
It takes about half an hour to an hour but is well worth it, she says. Codie and Candy face the final Ag Day competition this Saturday at Te Kawhata.
“Last year I won champion of champions with Buddy, hopefully I will do as well this year.”
Codie has been asked by a nearby farmer to show his pedigree shorthorn bulls.
“Some of them are bigger than me. I’m really looking forward to it.”
Well done Codie, you’re an inspiration.
PS – news just to hand – Kim White says Codie and Candy have done it again. The pair won Champion Rearing and Care at the Te Kawhata A & P show, third year in a row.
What a great finish. Congrats!

Now stand still!
What a great story, inspirational, good on Codie, for such determination and never ” give up attitude.”
Absolutely she’s an inspiration Judy!
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