Country Market for Gordonton

An historic article introducing the creation of the Gordonton Country Market, which sadly is no more. But cheers to the creators mentioned below:
Gordonton is to get its own country market, selling a range of treats, both edible and durable, and all locally produced.
The launch date is set for Saturday 8 September, says market organiser Xenia Brown.
“It’s been a steady process of ticking things off, there’s a small committee of us, but we’re just about good to go.”
The site for the market will be behind the old school on Gordonton Rd. “It’s perfect, the beautiful oak trees all around and good, flat ground. It has all the facilities we need, including a kitchen and toilets.”
The hunt is now on for stall holders.
“There’s a lot of interest. We want to offer a range of produce, food and crafts with the priority on local, so from Gordonton and surrounding areas. We’re thinking there will be art works, handcrafted items, knits, honey and vegetables, fruit, jams and free-range eggs. The more the merrier.”
There will definitely be a Devonshire teahouse in the old school, which will be a good place to rest one’s feet, she says. Live music will also be a feature.
Xenia has just put together a website, and they now have the branding sorted – “We’ve got a rooster, and images of acorns because this all started through our belonging to the Oaks Church. Acorns suggest beginnings -beginnings of a market, of an adventure. It’s a way of doing something for and with our community.”
Tamahere Market
The idea only came into being late last year and they have taken advice from Jane Mansen of Tamahere Market – “we want to do it right the first time. Jane has been inspiring and we’ve chosen to go for the second Saturday every month, so as not to clash with the Tamahere one, which is on the third Saturday.”
Committee member Judy Chrystall says she’s excited about the market. “For a number of years I thought it would be wonderful to have one in Gordonton, it’s just the ideal place. It’s amazing, but other people had the same thought.”
She says it can be an outlet where people can sell the things they make or grow, and families can bring a picnic and catch up with neighbours or friends.
A keen organic grower, she loves growing plants and imagines that she’ll be able to pot one or two up. “There’s so much talent around us, it’s not until you start talking to people that you discover what they do.”
Xenia says she’ll keep to organising the event and won’t have a stall herself – husband Peter is the market chair, so the two will keep themselves fairly busy.
“It’s very exciting. We’d love to hear from people who might be interested in taking part and look forward to seeing you at the market.”
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How much does it cost for a site as I am interested. I make a variety of crocheted items. I usually go to Morrinsville markets. I live at Tahuna.
Hi Carol – thanks for your comment, to find out more visit their website, where you will find information for stall holders, times and the like.
Hope to see you there!
What time do you start on Saturday morning and is the next one on 22nd September
Hi – the markets are held on the second Saturday of every month, the next will be on 13 October, from 8.30am to 1pm. Visit the market website, here.
Hi do you have spaces left for tomorrow please? I thought a friend had it booked already but she tells me you guys didnt get back to her and she didnt chase it up.
could you tell me if you have please
I have swiss peelers, can openers and soft toys made by another friend to sell
Hi Susan – best to contact the market folk directly:
If you want to be involved, or find out more, visit the website.