Seeking your views on Horsham Downs Hall

The Horsham Downs hall and community committee want to know how you want to use the hall.

They’ve written a survey to find out how it is currently being used, and what folk would like to see in the future.  Any ideas on improvements, and issues such as future parking requirements or building facilities are all welcome.

One particular issue coming up in the medium term is a  plan to build a major road cutting through Osborne Rd and Kay Rd, which will continue towards the Rototuna Chocolate factory.

Land could also become available for a recreation area, or for other uses, such as car parks and future building expansion.

Let the hall committee know what you think, and how the community can enhance your situation or organisation.

To have your say, copy paste the survey below into an email or print it out and send to 122 Woodlands Rd, RD1, Hamilton.

Horsham Downs Hall Survey

Please describe the way you currently use the hall:


Describe the way you would ideally like to use the hall now or in the future:


Other ideas for future improvements to facilities:


Your thoughts on future Parking requirements/issues:


Your thoughts on future Hall building facilities requirements/issues:


In the near to medium future plans will be made for surrounding land. There is going to be a road built which will cut through Osborne road, run behind the school and cut through Kay road and run on towards Rototuna Chocolate factory.
Land could become available for a Horsham Downs recreation area and or it could become available for organisations to have or purchase. Think about, Car Parks, Recreation areas, Future building expansions, etc


Your thoughts on future Land requirements/issues for the Horsham Downs Community:


Do you see any requirements or issues relating to land usage for you or your organisation?


Do you or your organisation have any requirement for other services to be provided locally?


What could the community do to enhance your situation or organisation?

Do you have ideas to make Horsham Downs a more enjoyable or attractive place, social ideas, future proofing ideas, other ideas for our community?

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